
Sedex is a global membership organisation. Its collaborative platform is home to extensive data on ethical supply chains, and is used by more than 50,000 members in over 150 countries. Companies use it to manage their obligations to labour rights, health and safety, the environment and business ethics. Sedex helps reduce the burden on suppliers in their drive to meet corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethical auditing targets.
Data Engineering
Project Type
Data Solutions
Data : Google Compute Engine
OpenCredo-Client Logo: Sedex
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Since we’re a data platform provider, it’s essential that we are perceived as best in class for CSR and compliance. Average will never be good enough. We wanted to move to the next level and offer Big Data services.

José Copovi-King

Director of Products and Services

The Challenge

Sedex faced an exponential load on its Business Intelligence applications due to the skyrocketing number of suppliers using its data exchange. Built on a third party platform, the incumbent system lacked flexibility, and as a result was unable to cope with the increasing volume of data it needed to process. Additionally, Sedex wanted to broaden its data platform to include additional sources of information relevant to suppliers; whilst improving the ability to scrutinise multiple data sources, and allow for better analysis of trends.

The Solution

Our partnership with Sedex began with some Discovery work. This surfaced some specific use cases:

  • A business needs to manage, store, analyse and disseminate huge volumes of data.
  • The requirement for failure resilience.
  • A desire to use open source technologies.
  • The need to design and define a suitable data processing platform.

Working closely with the Sedex team, allowed us to outline a fit-for-purpose solution. This combined Neo4j, Google Compute Engine and Hortonworks Data Platform, a completely open-source technology. It was determined that Google Cloud Platform provided the most cost-effective and reliable option, with more broadband per pound. And Hortonworks made it easy to scale the data storage and computation needs, to address the increasing demands on Sedex’s system. Lastly, a pipeline was built using Hive. Data cubes from Hive queries would be stored in a PostgreSQL database for fast access by existing reporting technologies. 

During our four-month collaboration, we made use of agile working practices to iterate and deliver this solution:

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By working together, we were able to ensure a transfer of skills, empowering Sedex’s own people to operate their new platform independently.

“We have the ability to produce large data sets very quickly and there are huge retailers in the U.S. who could very well become clients just because of that,” said José Copovi-King. “This is a huge step change for retailers and we’re now out in front of the competition in the CSR environment.”
“If a client has a specific requirement, we can rapidly meet that demand,” said José. “We had a request for a data security questionnaire and were able to carry this out very quickly by collecting data online. We can also design and sell our own reports – if we want to produce trend reports or benchmark companies against their peers we can now do so.”

The results

Sedex now has a sophisticated, flexible, industry-leading data processing platform. They can now manage their own multitude of datasets, design reports and deliver on-demand. These improvements have given them a clear competitive advantage in the marketplace.

As a result of our partnership, we were able to leave the Sedex team with: 

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The ability to fulfil clients’ bespoke data requests at short notice

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A 40% reduction in costs via the introduction of Google Compute Engine

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Faster turnaround - down from hours to milliseconds - of complex, digestible reports

OpenCredo-Case Study Banner: Livy Ai
"OpenCredo's collaboration was transformative for Livy AI. Their creative vision, engineering excellence, and seamless communication elevated our project, making them the ideal partner for turning innovative ideas into reality."

Jonathan Browne


OpenCredo-Case Study Banner: National Journal
""OpenCredo helped us integrate that data, seamlessly flow it into our data visualization tool, and deal with a massive amount of data duplication issues. The experience of working with OpenCredo couldn’t have been better – they were highly professional, organized, and supremely competent in delivering this work to us.”

Luke Hartig

Executive Director

OpenCredo-Case Study Banner: Sage
"OpenCredo’s expertise & experience, combined with a genuine desire and ability to upskill and transfer knowledge, has been invaluable in helping us increase our data and cloud literacy within the organisation, as well as move forward with our strategic objectives. If you have a challenging data platform project you are embarking on, I would highly recommend working with OpenCredo as a trusted partner"

Helen King

Head Of Transformation

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