Platform EngineerIng Accelerator

Create a cloud-agnostic starting point for your own continuous delivery platform - in weeks not months!

OpenCredo - Graphic Illustration: Delivery Box Overflowing

Get deliveries moving faster and start shipping great features!

Our Platform Engineering Accelerator can jump-start your platform initiative and do all the heavy lifting for you. Our Accelerator gives you:

A recognised toolchain

…to release code into environments

…that allows for observability, repeatability and security to come as standard

…without your dev teams needing to spend time on it

What's in the box?

Crafted with proven technologies we’ve used to bring success to customers across a wide array of industries

OpenCredo-Partner/Technology Logo: Argo

Continuous Delivery

Argo monitors any number of repositories and deploys updates automatically using gitops

OpenCredo-Partner/Technology Logo:OpenTelemetry


Using Prometheus & OpenTelemetry statistics can be centrally and consistently gathered

OpenCredo-Partner/Technology Logo: Hashicorp Vault

Secrets Management

Vault is used to standardise and externalise secrets management

OpenCredo-Partner/Technology Logo: Security


Built from the ground up with security in mind and ready to be tailored to your policies

OpenCredo-Partner/Technology Logo: Grafana Loki

Log Aggregation

As standard with Grafana Loki

OpenCredo-Partner/Technology Logo: OpenCost

Cost Monitoring

Using Opencost (or similar) users will be able to see the cost impact of their pull requests

OpenCredo-Service Image: Platform Engineering Accelerator

How it works

Our Accelerator isn’t just built with best-in-class tooling - we use it as a starting point to mould it around your business goals and your dev teams.

The Process:

1. Install the pieces of the Accelerator you need for your toolchain

2. Get 1 week of free consulting to embed the Accelerator into your cloud and your secure user management.

3. Post-installation discovery session for identifying opportunities for future uses of the platform

Where will our Platform Engineering Accelerator take your business?

New Enviroments

Automate the spin-up (& teardown) of temporary environments, either for functional testing, or possibly performance testing

Integration into your dev process

Want your gitops workflow controlled by Jira?...Gitlab CI?...Trello?

Onboard your whole estate

Plumb in your CI pipelines to achieve real CD

Additional Quality

Want a cost gate added to your CD workflow?....Hook into cost explorer to ensure thresholds aren’t breached

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Customise your rollout to facilitate staged A-B testing

Looking to jump-start your platform initiative?

Book in a demo call to explore how our Platform Engineering Accelerator can accelerate your developer experience to start building better and faster

OpenCredo-Brand Icon : Rocket Ship