
"The Business Behind Microservices" - Upcoming Webinar

Daniel Bryant
September 18, 2015
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Microservices: Organisation, Architectural and Operational Challenges

We're pleased to begin our series of OpenCredo webinars with "The Business Behind Microservices", which takes a look at the some of the business and organisational challenges that come along with the decision to implement microservices.

The webinar will be hosted via Google "Hangouts On Air", and is scheduled for 5pm (BST, GMT +1) Wednesday 23rd September. The webinar can be accessed via this link, and you can also sign up for a reminder here too!: I (Daniel Bryant, Principal Consultant) will be your host for the event, and I'll be sharing some of our experiences of successfully implementing microservice architectures, deployment pipeline and associated business change when working with our clients at OpenCredo. As much as we love working with complex technology problems, we often find that solving purely technical issues provides only symptomatic treatment of what can be a larger business, process or cultural issue. Accordingly, we are increasingly providing consulting that encompasses the complete business and IT lifecycle, which really helps to implement sustainable and lasting change.

Sharing experiences - please bring questions!

We look forward to you joining us for this event, and please do come along with questions. The talk should run for about 30 minutes, and there will be time for Q&A at the end of the session (and you can always email questions to me at The full abstract for the talk can be found below:

"The technology changes required when implementing a microservice-based application are only one part of the equation. The business and organisation will also most likely have to fundamentally change. In an ideal world, this shouldn’t be a problem - what with the rise of agile, lean and DevOps - but this is not always the situation I encounter in my consulting travels. I would like to share some stories of successful (and not so successful) strategies and tactics I have used over the past four years when introducing service-oriented architecture into organisations. Join me for a whistle-stop tour of the business and people challenges that I have experienced first hand when implementing a greenfield microservice project, and also breaking down a monolith. We’ll look at ‘divided companies’ vs ‘connected companies’, determine the actual impact of conway's law, briefly touch on the lean startup/enterprise mindset, dive into change management without the management double-speak, and look at the lightweight processes needed to ensure the technical success of a microservices implementation."

An early version of the slide deck can also be found at my SlideShare account, but this will be updated for this event!

This blog is written exclusively by the OpenCredo team. We do not accept external contributions.

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Daniel Bryant
Consultant at OpenCredo

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