
The 2022/2023 Mayor’s Business Climate Challenge (BCC)

January 20, 2023
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OpenCredo is thrilled to be a part of the 2022/2023 Mayor's Business Climate Challenge (BCC). Read this blog to learn more about our initiatives to lower carbon emissions as part of the voluntary energy efficiency programme!

Sustainability - well, it’s become a bit of a buzzword! However, for us at OpenCredo it’s something that is incredibly important and one of our key values. This has stemmed from acknowledging the current climate crisis we all face - which we recognise all of us need to play a part in tackling.

This is why we are joining The 2022/2023 Mayor’s Business Climate Challenge (BCC) to help reach the UK's target of Net Zero by 2030!

"London’s businesses have a key role to play in the fight against climate change and programmes like the Business Climate Challenge are going to be crucial ways for the public and private sectors to work together. Business Climate Challenge participants are leading the way in supporting the city’s net zero by 2030 goal by accelerating action to reduce their workplace carbon emissions.”

- Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy, Shirley Rodrigues

OC’s Journey (so far) to a Greener Future

While the OpenCredo office has been using renewable energy since 2012, we realised there were many more opportunities for us to adopt practices that could contribute towards addressing global challenges.

Our journey to a greener future started in early 2022 with increased recycling, ethical/environmentally friendly purchasing and deliveries, food waste reduction, and eliminating single-use plastics. We even ran a green tech initiative called HackCredo (you can read all about it here)! Despite using a renewable energy provider, we became more conscious of our efforts to try and save it. We realised that just simple initiatives like switching lights off in unused rooms can have such an impact - especially in the snack room (which helped to save calories too)!

Our team increased internal communications around climate change to get employees to join us on the journey. This created a lot more awareness and opportunities for regular internal knowledge sharing, along with progress announcements in our monthly company meetings.

It’s been a great journey so far for the whole company and we are looking forward to taking it to the next level with the BCC!

The Business Climate Challenge (BCC)

We’ve been a part of the Better Bankside Community for a long time now, so when the opportunity arose to take part in the BCC, we realised it was the next logical and impactful step for us to take. Alongside our Building Management team who are participating in the challenge, we’ve pledged to try and reduce our energy consumption by 10% over the course of 2023.

Though the BCC officially started in January this year, we got the ball rolling last November with an energy audit. The audit was carried out by Sustainability Technical experts from Turner and Townsend who will also provide support, coaching and quarterly training, throughout the programme. These results will help provide us with  greater insights into the improvements we can make. For the duration of the challenge, we have also been given access to a platform which allows us to see the actual impact we make as we track, measure & compare energy use and data.

What’s Next

Our next steps in this challenge include:

  • Making a plan for energy consumption improvement based on the insights revealed in the audit results.
  • Attending the January quarter one Energy Management workshop delivered by the BCC’s Technical Support where we will gain further info, and suggestions for our journey.

Keep an eye out for our upcoming blogs where we will continue to share our journey and progress throughout 2023!

This blog is written exclusively by the OpenCredo team. We do not accept external contributions.

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