
React/Redux boilerplate

Matt Calthrop
March 3, 2016
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In this post, I'll be sharing some React/Redux boilerplate code that Vince Martinez and I have been developing recently. It's primarily aimed at developers who are familiar with the React ecosystem, so if you are new to React and/or Redux, you might like to have a look at Getting Started with React and Getting Started with Redux.

In a previous post, Facebook’s React, and the Signal:Noise Ratio, I looked at where React fits in amongst its rivals.

Firstly: why use Redux?

Many developers who have had some experience using React over the last year or two will most likely have been using one of the libraries that implements the Flux pattern – so why use something different?Dan Abramov, author of Redux, provides a very useful set of reasons for using Redux. TL;DR:

  • Reducer composition: reuse functionality across stores
  • Server rendering: simplifies enabling of server rendering
  • Developer experience: makes it possible to change reducer code on the fly or even "change the past" by crossing out actions, and see the state being recalculated
  • Ecosystem: Redux has a rich and fast-growing ecosystem
  • Simplicity: Redux preserves all the benefits of Flux (recording and replaying of actions, unidirectional data flow, dependent mutations) and adds new benefits (easy undo-redo, hot reloading)

What's covered in this codebase?

We have tried to anticipate the requirements of developing a typical React app, while avoiding producing a bloated codebase. Here's a quick look at the home page: src="" alt="" />


We are using react-router as the routing library, along with react-router-redux to keep react-router and redux in sync. These allow us to exploit redux-devtools (more details below).

Development Tools

Development tools included:

It's also definitely worth watching Dan Abramov's React Europe 2015 talk on Hot Reloading with Time Travel.


We have included the use of some recent advances in Javascript development:

  • Flow – strong typing for Javascript (!)
  • Babel, allowing ES2015 (aka ES6) development, and beyond – exciting new JS standards

So we can now write code like this simplified version of ProfileEditPage.js:

import React, { PropTypes, Component, Element } from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import { User } from 'declarations/app';
import ProfileEditForm from 'containers/ProfileEditForm/ProfileEditForm';
import { updateUser } from 'redux/modules/user/user-actions';
import { autobind } from 'core-decorators';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { messages } from './ProfileEditPage.i18n';

export class ProfileEditPage extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    dispatch: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    user: PropTypes.object,
  handleUpdate(user: User) {
  render(): Element {
    return ();

const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({ user: state.user, });

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(ProfileEditPage);

There is also a set of ESLint code-styling rules based on the AirBnB rules.


It can be difficult to choose which design library to use, but it would appear that Twitter's Bootstrap currently has a broad uptake, so the project uses the react-bootstrap Bootstrap components for page layout, menus and a form; it is also built responsively:


We are assuming that making a website available in more than one language is very often a requirement of a modern website, so all content has been rendered in English and Spanish using react-intl.


As well as a development build incorporating hot module reloading and live-editing time travel, there is a sample production build:

$ npm run start    # development build; point browser at http://localhost:3000/
$ npm run build    # production build

Simulated Login

Selecting the right-most menu item simulates a user login; implementation of actual login is left to the developer.

Restricted Pages

Once you have logged in, a menu option for another page is available, along with a link to log out:

Check src/routes.js for examples of how to restrict certain routes to only be available when the user is logged in.


Development of HTML forms for Redux requires a rethink in terms of approach to development. We have used redux-form for form integration with Redux, and redux-form-validation for validation:

Containers vs Components

A naming convention seems to be emerging in the React community that allows us to distinguish between a stateless reusable component ("component"), and one that is dependent on state ("container" or "container component"). To this end, the directory hierarchy is separated into components and containers directories.As an observation, an iteration pattern while developing often goes like this:

  • build a component to accomplish a piece of functionality
  • realise that it is stateful, and could be split
  • divide it into two: a thin container that handles state (fetching data, for example), which is wrapped around, and provides data to, a stateless component

Michael Chan writes more about it in his Container Components post.

Unit Testing

Some simple unit tests have been included that demonstrate unit testing with React and Redux. These are *.spec.js files, and reside in the same directory as the code they are testing.


We've had a lot of fun putting this codebase together. It's available on github here: feel free to comment, fork the project, and contribute!

Further reading

Starting off:

Digging deeper:

This blog is written exclusively by the OpenCredo team. We do not accept external contributions.

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Matt Calthrop
Consultant at OpenCredo

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