
PlatformCon: Tops and flops (Recording)

Nicki Watt
July 20, 2023
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Watch the recording of our CEO/CTO Nicki Watt and other PlatformCon Conference speakers discussing the highlights and lowlights of the talks and the Platform Engineering community, as well as lessons learned and trends spotted.

Our CEO/CTO Nicki Watt recently participated in a panel discussion with Luca Galante, and David Rubinstein from PlatfromCon 2023.

PlatformCon: Tops and flops - Nicki Watt, CEO/CTO

The panel held a PlatformCon recap session, discussing the highlights and lowlights of the talks and the Platform Engineering community, as well as lessons learned and trends spotted.

This blog is written exclusively by the OpenCredo team. We do not accept external contributions.

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Platform Engineering
Nicki Watt
CEO/CTO at OpenCredo

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