
PlatformCon 2023 - Why is it so hard to create a great Platform-as-a-Product? (Recording)

Nicki Watt
July 11, 2023
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Check out our CEO/CTO, Nicki Watt's, talk "Why is it so hard to create a great Platform-as-a-Product?" from the PlatformCon Conference 2023.

Our CEO/CTO Nicki Watt recently spoke at PlatformCon 2022, a virtual conference bringing together more than 7000 Platform Engineers from around the world.Check out the recording of Nicki's talk below!

Why is it so hard to create a great Platform-as-a-Product? - Nicki Watt, CEO/CTO

So you've heard that you should be applying product thinking, and treating the platform as-a-product when embarking on a new platform initiative. This is great, however, for many this seems much harder to do in practice than in theory! Nicki explores some of the reasons behind this. Looking at what the stumbling blocks are which tend to trip people and organisations up the most, as well as what can be done to counteract this where possible.You will learn the following from this talk:- Why is it important to apply product thinking and treat the platform as-a-product when embarking on a new platform engineering initiative- What stumbling blocks could you run into trying to do this- How can you get around, or counteract some of these stumbling blocks

This blog is written exclusively by the OpenCredo team. We do not accept external contributions.

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Platform Engineering
Nicki Watt
CEO/CTO at OpenCredo

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