
PlatformCon 2023 - The Golden Age of the Platform (Recording)

James Bowkett
July 5, 2023
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Watch the recording of our Technical Delivery Director, James Bowkett from the PlatformCon Conference 2023 in his talk The Golden Age of the Platform."

Our Technical Delivery Director James Bowkett recently spoke at PlatformCon 2023, a two days virtual conference feature five key tracks covering a wide range of topics relevant to building and scaling platforms.Check out the recording of James's talk below!

The Golden Age of the Platform - James Bowkett, Technical Delivery Director

We are about to enter a new Golden Age: The age of the platform. But what are the different kinds of platforms? What makes them similar or unique? How can we introduce them effectively and start delivering stories into production quickly and safely, to serve all of our organisation's communities?

As we enter a new Golden Age of the platform, James explores the state of platform engineering as a discipline today.

This blog is written exclusively by the OpenCredo team. We do not accept external contributions.

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Platform Engineering
James Bowkett
Technical Delivery Director at OpenCredo

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