
GOTO Copenhagen 2022 - From Data Mess —> Data Mesh: Navigating People, Process & Platforms (Recording)

Nicki Watt
July 6, 2022
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Watch the recording of our CEO/CTO, Nicki Watt from the GOTO Copenhagen Conference 2022 on her talk " From Data Mess —> Data Mesh: Navigating People, Process & Platforms"

Our CEO/CTO Nicki Watt recently spoke at GOTO Copenhagen, a leading software development conference designed for developers, team leads, architects and project managers. Check out the recording of Nicki's talk below!

From Data Mess —> Data Mesh: Navigating People, Process & Platforms - Nicki Watt, CEO/CTO

What does it take to move towards acquiring a half decent data mesh solution given the starting point for many organisations is really a data mess. Needing to involve multiple engineering teams, of varying skills, and a myriad of tools, is a challenge increasingly being faced by organisations on this journey.

Watch how Nicki answers these questions by walking through some real-life instances and addressing these topics, as well as looking at some of the practical factors and options to bear in mind. This will entail looking not only at the technical aspects, but also at the organisational, soft skills, and other factors required to move in this direction.

This blog is written exclusively by the OpenCredo team. We do not accept external contributions.

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Platform Engineering
Data Mesh
Nicki Watt
CEO/CTO at OpenCredo

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