
Cassandra - The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Webinar Recording

October 10, 2016
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In the culmination of our blog series on the topic, on October 6th 2016 OpenCredo Consultants Dominic Fox, Alla Babkina and Guy Richardson, and hosted by Marco Cullen, presented the common design and implementation issues that they have come across in real-world Apache Cassandra deployments.

If you missed the webcast or would like to watch it again, here is a recording.[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video]

Check out our blog series: Cassandra – What You May Learn The Hard Way

Fulfilling the promise of Apache Cassandra performance By Guy RichardsonLike all technologies, Cassandra operates according to certain principles and conventions. These conventions enable Cassandra to yield outstanding performance and support complex data needs, but this comes at the expense of some fundamental limitations. You should assess and understand these limitations  before committing to Cassandra as a technology, and align your rollout of Cassandra with this understanding to ensure that future performance and ongoing operations are within your expected bounds.

Patterns of Successful Cassandra Data Modelling By Alla BabkinaA growing number of clients are asking OpenCredo for help with using Apache Cassandra and solving specific problems they encounter. Clients have different use cases, requirements, implementation and teams but their similar issues. We have noticed that Cassandra data modelling problems are the most consistent cause of Cassandra failing to meet their expectations. Data modelling is one of the most complex areas of using Cassandra and has many considerations.

How Not To Use Cassandra Like An RDBMS (and what will happen if you do) By Dominic FoxCassandra isn’t a relational database management system, but it has some features that make it look a bit like one. In this post, Dominic reviews a few example scenarios where a beginner might be unpleasantly surprised by the differences, and suggests some remedies.Common Problems with Cassandra Tombstones

By Alla BabkinaCassandra is optimised for writes and everything, including logical deletion of data, results in extra records being inserted. Every deletion in Cassandra results in a tombstone, a record marking deletion. We have noticed that lack of understanding of tombstones is often the root cause of production issues our clients experience with Cassandra. We have decided to share a compilation of the most common problems with Cassandra tombstones and some practical advice on solving them.

This blog is written exclusively by the OpenCredo team. We do not accept external contributions.

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