Looking to get the best of Kafka?

We’ve delivered all manner of data platforms, and as Confluent partners we know how to get the best from Kafka. Whatever your scenario or challenge, our team can help you.  

  • Journey to event/domain driven thinking
  • Real-time data processing
  • Scalable Kafka infrastructure & teams
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What is Kafka?

Kafka is an open source event streaming platform that is built from the ground up for data resilience, scalability and high throughput.  Kafka was originally built at LinkedIn to capture log data, but is now used to reliably move data at scale and at speed in most of the world’s largest and most successful companies.

All these shiny features are unfortunately not served up on a silver platter for your teams.  Kafka can sometimes be tricky to deploy at scale and the journey to event-based thinking is not always an obvious one. Common challenges include integrations with other systems and data sources, scalability and maintenance of clusters, monitoring and troubleshooting, and data governance. The learning curve with Kafka is a steep one and can be quite the headache for your teams if they do not have the experience or have limited capacity.

Goto Conference: Kafka, DevOps & resilience

So you’ve made the enlightened choice to use Kafka in your architecture, and you know you need to provision your cluster using infrastructure as code (IAC), but why stop at just provisioning brokers?

In this talk we will explore the available options to make deploying your Kafka-based applications more repeatable, resilient and observable.

OpenCredo- Conference Talk: James Bowkett - The 12 Factor App for Data

How we can help

As Confluent partners, we have deep knowledge of Kafka and in designing the distributed data systems and cloud native architectures which use it. We’ve worked with several clients in a range of situations and different challenges – you could say we’ve gone through the trenches and back with it!

It’s this real-world experience that our consultants can bring to the table and walk you through every aspect of your journey to event driven architectures. Along with our passion for leveraging the fundamentals underlying distributed data-driven systems, it is this reason we’re often chosen to help organisations – from Fintech to IOT – adopt Kafka.

Whatever the setup or situation, here are some of the ways we can help your company successfully and seamlessly adopt Kafka:

Architectural Review

We can help decompose your estate along domain boundaries to help you institute Conway’s Law and accelerate delivery

Kafka is often one part of a wider data strategy, which may include streaming analytics or real-time data pipelines.

We can help you process your data in real-time while storing it resiliently and conforming to any and all regulatory compliance.

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Cluster Optimisation & Operational Guidance

We think the more your teams adopt Kafka, the more they will use it (because it’s so great!). This can start to create operational headaches for managing large numbers of nodes, and topics. In particular, Kafka can cause real headaches for backups and also GDPR.

We have experience in overcoming these challenges and can guide you to operational excellence!

Event-based Application Design & Implementation

We can augment your existing delivery teams to accelerate their adoption of best practices of event thinking to produce best-in-class, resilient, scalable architectures that are both observable and observed.

We can apply our devops and Platform Engineering disciplines to your event estate to ensure your Kafka clusters remain hardened, secure, and quick to roll out.

Event Storming Workshops

We can facilitate event storming workshops to really model your business problem as a series of events.

Event based thinking does not always come naturally to most people. We can help you start to think about your business problems in terms of a series of events so that they can be modelled in Kafka, to really start to bring Kafka’s resilience and scalability guarantees into your own services.

OpenCredo-Client Logo: Verica
"If you're looking for a trustworthy partner who really knows their stuff, and are also just genuinely nice folks to work with, we highly recommend OpenCredo for any and all Kubernetes, Kafka, and platform engineering work."
Casey Rosenthal

Co Founder & CEO of Verica, and Author of Chaos Engineering: System Resiliency in Practice