Open Credo

News | August 19, 2013

Excerpt from OpenCredo-authored book Neo4J in action

Excerpt from OpenCredo-authored book Neo4J in action

An excerpt from new book, ‘Neo4J in Action‘, authored by OpenCredo consultants Jonas Partner, Aleksa Vukotic, and Nicki Watt is now available to view on DZone.

With the continued upward trend of more and more data being stored in NoSQL based databases, having a library which makes it easy to deal with this data, yet still retaining the ability to continue using your rich existing domain models can be very handy. In this article, an excerpt taken from chapter 8 of the book Neo4j in Action, we use a social network domain model to provide a practical example of how to do simple domain modelling with Spring Data Neo4j (SDN). SDN is a Java based object graph mapping (OGM) library geared towards providing you with a simple and convenient way of using rich POJO (plain old java object) based domain models, with data backed by a trusty Neo4j graph database.

Don’t miss out, read the excerpt here:


To buy Neo4J in action visit:



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